Information management: SRM,MES,ERP
Logistics management: logistics planning, packaging management,
inventory management, EPRT distribution and delivery management.
Planning management: planning management, production organization,
downtime management and system management.
Incoming material management: supplier quality
Manufacturing management: quality management system, key process
control, 6sigma and BIQ
Site management: standardization and system guarantee
Safety/5S management: safety management, 5S management,
visualization and TPM
Staff management: multi-skill, responsibility and incentives
Informatization: security light, poke-yoke, mistake and red box
Technology management: process change, process checking, process
discipline and documentation control
Engineering management: VSM value chain, process analysis, cycle-
time reduction, waste reduction; MOST management, work sequence
measurement and production line balance.
Equipment management: preventive maintenance, full participationand
autonomous maintenance
Introduce and improve multiple domestic and overseas production lines,and guarantee operation and delivery in time.
Establish standardization system, and coordination among all manufacturing bases.
Tiantai Production Base
The Second Stage of Tiantai Aeronautical Production Base
Zhengzhou Production Base
Tiantai Aeronautical Production Base
Xuzhou Production Base
Nanjing Production Base
Northampton Production Base in the UK